The TRO is now complete and effective 31-July -2023. All relevant documentation can be found on the GCC website here: Proposed waiting restrictions, various roads, Kemble – Highways (
Item 22.112 – The Parish Council supported the modification to the TRO. The Modification documentation can be found here: 5227-18-003 Windmill Road REV A Kemble Modification Notice Statement of Reasons – Kemble modification notice
Item 21.182 – A copy of the proposal for review/comment can be found here: 5227-18-005 School Road5227-18-004 Clayfurlong Grove5227-18-003 Windmill Road5227-18-002 Station Road5227-18-001 Windmill Road & Station Road TRO email March 2022
Meeting 1 March 2022 – Summary Notes TRO email Meeting Summary
Informal Consultation – KEPC is currently carrying out an informal consultation with residents of Kemble as part of the review process of the proposal offered by Gloucester County Council. All the details can be found here. Please share your thoughts before the deadline of 28 February 2021.
Item 20.190 – A copy of the options for review under this item
Kemble 2021 waiting restrictions
Item 20.145 – A copy of the options reviewed under this agenda item can be found here:
Item 20.116 – A copy of the correspondence between KEPC & GCC regarding this item can be found here:
KEPC_GCC Email Correspondence re 20.116
Meeting between GCC/KEPC Representatives on 11/11/2020 at 3pm – A copy of notes made/correspondence received can be found here: