Below is a link to the information available from GCC regarding the Community Speedwatch Camera located in the village.
Stats and data | Gloucestershire Constabulary
Community Speed Watch+ (Community Speed Cameras) | Gloucestershire Constabulary (includes Kemble & Eewen)
The information has split the information into three sections:
- Letters sent as a result of volunteer community speed watch groups, recorded by area.
- Letters sent as a result of community speed cameras, recorded by parish/community, and
- Mobile speed enforcement activity, showing number of site visits and number of offences.
The first two also include vehicles ‘for further action’ i.e. have received two letters, that have been sent out as intelligence to policing areas to look at any action they can take. We are also sending some of these to the Special Constabulary with the aim of mounting operations to detect or visit the registered keepers home address.
Some good news is the fact that our GCC’s new data researcher post is up and running and they plan to make speed enforcement more intelligence led using available policing systems and intelligence from Parishes and communities. GCC have already found that better targeting of speeding cars is prompting local policing to take action. They have also been able to link a number of persistent speeding vehicle to drugs and crime activity so able to better identify which policing teams can consider action.